Hanging out with Mondulkiri’s elephants

Standing in the heart of the jungle that dominates the northeastern province of Mondulkiri is a special experience in itself. Throw a few elephants into the mix and you’re onto an almost priceless high. Elephant Valley Project offers visitors the chance to get up close to the magnificent mammals, while learning more about the negative effects of elephant tourism. The sanctuary offers a permanent or temporary respite for over-worked and neglected elephants, who can kick back, relax and enjoy life in their natural habitat. Visitors can spend the day watching the beasts wallow in mud, wash themselves in the river and stomp through the jungle.

Mondulkiri’s elephants
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Hanging out with Mondulkiri’s elephants Hanging out with Mondulkiri’s elephants Reviewed by Entertainment News on June 05, 2019 Rating: 5
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